The Trendy Living welcomes submissions of opinion pieces and articles.

If you have amazing wisdom and would love to share it with others, we are here for you. 


Submission Guidelines

Please review the basic guidelines below:

  • All submissions are reviewed and must meet quality standards
  • All submitted articles must be original, not plagiarized in any way
  • Posts should be at least 500 words in length.
  • You may add 1 link to your site (must be to a relevant article)
  • You may add 2 additional links to other sites
  • Include a featured image with credit – attribution required
  • We reserve the right to edit your article (these edits will not change the meaning of the content)
  • Your article will be removed from the blog If you republish it elsewhere


We would like to thank you for considering guest posting on our website. If these terms are acceptable to you, don’t hesitate to contact us

We look forward to hearing from you!