Career Lifestyle

Family and Work-Related Stress: The Kanye West Story

The world was rudely astonished to learn that Kanye West, the self-styled messiah of music, had to “take some time” recently due to weariness, staying at the UCLA Medical Center for about a week. Since then, he has left the hospital and is receiving outpatient care. Prior to all of this, Yeezy had experienced a few difficult weeks, which culminated in a performance in Sacramento that turned into a 40-minute tirade that left his fans feeling a little disappointed. Put simply, Kanye’s body finally gave up on him because the strain of his job had become too much for him. Maybe that’s a good thing. For the rest of us, not for Kanye, of course. Usually, it takes something similar to happen to a well-known person for us to take health issues seriously. Furthermore, do not be duped: fatigue and breakdowns brought on by stress are medical problems.

The Various Causes of Stress in Relation to Work and Family

Almost everyone in the workforce will agree that work may be stressful at times. Whatever you do, whoever you work for, or even how much you enjoy what you do, the fact that work is a significant cause of stress should not be disregarded.

In a 2006 poll, the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) found that managing personnel, dealing with acute crises, deadlines, and interpersonal interactions are the primary causes of stress at work.

The University of Plymouth embarked on a study in 2001 to determine the causes and levels of stress experienced by UK workers. It was found that up to 5 million workers in the UK alone experience’very’ high levels of stress at work. Long hours, an excessive workload, job security, relationships at work, and communications were the top offenders.

Referring back to the ADAA research, one of the most concerning findings was that 72% of women and 83% of men felt that the stress they experienced at work affected their personal lives. Furthermore, 61 percent of women and 80 percent of men reported that their relationships were badly impacted by work-related stress.

Relationship troubles and health concerns are frequent causes of family-related stress and can be quite stressful for individuals. For instance, an American Psychological Association research found that over half of Americans experienced stress as a result of a health issue.

It should be noted that financial stress accounts for the bulk of family-related stress. A map of the United States that illustrates the states where the most financial stress is experienced was just produced by TIME. Family financial stress is most often caused by debt repayment.

The Killing Effect of Stress

Even if stress is unpleasant enough to avoid in the first place, it quickly takes on even more menacing proportions when you consider all the detrimental impacts it has on your body and mind. First things first: protracted stress can cause anxiety and despair. Additionally, it can make diseases like asthma, hypertension, and other cardiovascular problems worse.

An excessive amount of stress raises the risk of both diabetes and a host of other gastrointestinal problems. It will also affect your sex life and immune system. Further information regarding the harmful consequences of stress can be found here.

How to Deal With It

Recognizing stress is the first step toward managing it. Suppressing it and accepting it as a typical human state is the worst thing you can do. It’s not. Stress kills, and you will never be able to cope with it if you don’t acknowledge it.

It is imperative that you regard it as merely another ailment, a health hazard that requires your attention. You can’t just brush it off. You don’t disregard stress because that’s what people who are strong do.

The next stage is to modify your way of life and attempt to make small changes that will lower the amount of stress you experience on a daily basis. Speak with your supervisors if you can, and try to explain that you are under too much stress at work. It may be time to alter your work environment if they believe that this is not their problem. Naturally, it’s always a good idea to use services like psychiatric testing and consultations with psychiatrists.

It’s crucial that you pay attention to it.

The worst thing you can do for your health may be to ignore stress.

Avoid doing it.

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